You may have seen on some of my social media that i recently started painting guitars for myself and some friends. I'm super excited to say that I am now offering custom guitar paint jobs to limited customers!
In hopes of reducing waste, for the time being I am only looking to paint and breathe new life into pre-existing guitars of customers. So in essence you'll be sending me (or having me pick up) the guitar body of your choice.
These pieces are rather labor intensive and time consuming so I won't be able to take on too many at a time and these will be done on a first come first serve basis.
How much does it cost?
Every guitar/bass is different so each have a different way they need to be treated and painted.
Each order will receive it’s own specific quote based on any details
Custom paint jobs start at $300
Various things such as extensive custom artwork, extra large guitars, abnormal body shapes, sending the full guitar instead of just the body, etc. will add more cost to your order.
Getting a quote is free and nonbinding so feel free to ask for whatever. I’ll work with you.
How do I get my guitar painted?
1. Compose an email LXIXAPPAREL@GMAIL.COM with the subject line "LXIX Guitar Shop"
2. Attach this form as well as a photo of your guitar
3. Once I’ve received your order form and evaluate it, I will send you a quote.
4. Upon approval of the quote, I will send you an invoice for 50% of the cost of the guitar
5. You mail me your guitar, and I’ll get started painting it ASAP
6. Once everything is completed I will send you HQ pictures of the guitar and an invoice for the remaining 50%.
7. Upon receipt of the remaining 50% I will ship your guitar body back to you (this is included in the total price)
8. You receive your guitar body in the mail and shred away